(AKC/ASCA CH Windrifts Got It Goin' On x CH Dreamstreets Malibu Barbi)


Co-owned with Janet Matkins, Denise Walters and Angelica DeMont
© Paramount Aussies 2011-2025 Valerie Yarber, All Rights Reserved
Richie's AOM with his daughter Summer and her WB/BOW to finish her AKC Championship at the 2018 USASA National Specialty
We couldn't be more pleased with this sweet boy! Richie made our dreams come true by winning Best of Breed at the 2017 USASA National Specialty show! Some of his other notable wins include Award of Merit at the 2018 USASA National Specialty, Best of Breed at AKC National Championship show 2017, Select at Westminster 2017, Select at Sunshine State Herding Specialty 2017, AOE at AKC National Championship 2016 and Best in Sweeps at the 2015 USASA National Specialty. Richie has not been campaigned; only shown selectively at a very few shows per year, which speaks volumes with his outstanding success! 

*Richie's kids are burning the rings up!! Some of the Richie kids' accomplishments include: Multiple AKC Best in Show, Multiple Reserve Best In Show, Multiple Best In Specialty Show winners, Winners Bitch/Best of Winners at the 2018 USASA National Specialty, Best of Opposite Sex at the 2018 AKC National Championship show, Best of  Opposite Sex at the 2018 Australian Shepherd Club of Central Florida USASA Specialty, Best of Opposite Sex at the 2018 Sunshine State Herding Group Specialty, Winners Dog at 2019 USASA Specialty in Novi,  HIT in agility at the 2017 ASCA National Specialty and at one of the Preshows, BOBp at the HOTASC preshow, Award of Merit USASA Regional Specialty Orlando 2022, Select at 2023 AKC National championship Show, Best of Opposite Westminster 2024, Award of Merit USASA National Specialty 2024, multiple AKC Top 20 standings, multiple National Specialty class winners and placers, and fabulous performance title holders in Agility, Rally, Obedience, Herding, Dock Diving, Barn Hunt, and Lure Coursing, including MACH and ATCH eaners!

Check out his Offspring page (link above) to see more of his kids and their accomplishments!
*ASCA Hall of Fame Sire*
*USASA Nationals 2015 Best In Sweeps winner*
*Award of Excellence at 2016 AKC National Championship show*
*Select at 2017 Westminster*
*USASA Nationals 2017 Best Of Breed winner*
*Select at Sunshine State Herding Specialty 2017*
*Best of Breed at AKC National Championship show 2017*
*Award of Merit at USASA National Specialty 2018*
*#9 in Breed Standings 2017*
DOB: 04/08/14
CERF: Clear
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal

completely clear DNA health panel other than MDR1 n/m

Scissors Bite/Full dentition
*Richie is standing to approved bitches via side by side AI. We also have frozen semen available for shipping  on him. Contact me for more info.*
Watch Richie at the AKC National Championship show!
*Click on pictures below to enlarge*
Richie's down and back                                                      Richie's side gait
                       *Adjust your YouTube settings in videos to 1080 for best quality*