Below are some of the aussies we have produced. They are *NOT* for sale. 
ASCA CH Aliyah Paramounts Playing Games
AKC major pointed (needs one major to finish)
Multiple BOB winner and BOBp winner
owned by Charlotte Orr
ASCA CH Brookridge Paramount Drumroll Please
AKC Puppy Group 4 
AKC pointed 
Performance title producer
AOM GCHB AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Pinespring Pillow Talk
Group winner, Multi Group Placer, AOM earner, Multiple National Specialty class winner and placer, Multi BOBp & BOSp 
Multi Champion Producer
HOF Paramounts Proof Is In The Pudding CGC ROMC-I
Multiple AKC and ASCA Champion producer
Producer of 8 National Specialty class placers
GCH AKC/ASCA CH Brookridge Paramount Where Angels Tread
WB at 2015 ASCA Nationals Preshow
Multiple Group placer
Multiple Champion producer
co-owned with Reggie Moorehead
Premier AKC/ASCA CH Paramounts Perfectly Scandalous
Multi BOB and BOS
Multiple National Specialty class placer & ASCA Nationals Preshow Premier winner
Champion producer
co-owned with Tracy Dyar
© Paramount Aussies 2011-2025 Valerie Yarber, All Rights Reserved
Paramounts Dressed For Success
Multiple class placer at 2015 ASCA Nationals & Preshow
AKC Major pointed
co-owned with Bill Parrott
*Retired from show ring due to injury*
Multiple Champion and Performance title producer
AKC/ASCA CH Paramounts Organized Chaos
Multiple Nationals class placer
WD at Eukanuba Preshow winner
Multi BOB winner
Champion producer
Bred By
AKC/ASCA CH Two By Two Million Dollar Baby
Multi BOB winner
co-bred by Paramount Aussies

AKC/ASCA CH Paramounts Dressed To Kill At Sixx
2015 ASCA Nationals and Preshow class placer
WD at USASA Specialty Supported Entry show at Novi, MI
co-owned with Angelica DeMont

CKC GCH Sunnyrain Sequel To A Dream TDX RE CD
*Ranked #7 CKC Breed Standings in 2016*
Multiple Group winner
High In Trial winner
co-bred by Paramount Aussies
owned by Phyllis McCullum
AKC/ASCA CH Brookridge Paramount It Ain't Over
1st place 4-6 mth merle ASCA Nationals Preshow 2015
1st place Am Bred USASA Nationals 2017
co-owned with Chris Vuxton
Brookridge Paramount That's A Wrap AKC/ASCA RN
3rd place 4-6 mth solid puppy at ASCA Nationals 2015
Performance title producer
owned by Danielle Carpenter
ASCA CH Paramount Treestarr Hot Little Number
*4th place 9-12 at ASCA Nationals 2016*
*4th place 9-12 at ASCA National Specialty Pre-show 2016*
*Multi BOBp winner*
​*AKC pointed*
AKC/UKC CH Paramount Secret Rendezvous At Calabrone
*2nd place 9-12 sweeps at USASA Nationals 2017*
*4th place 9-12 puppies at USASA Nationals 2017*
*4th place 15-18 at HOTASC ASCA National Preshow 2017*
*4th place ASCA National Specialty 2017*
*Multi BOBp winner*
owned by Angie Claussen
ASCA CH Brookridge Paramount Curtain Call
Multi BOB winner

GCH AKC/ASCA CH Paramounts Espionage
Best of Breed Puppy at HOTASC ASCA National Pre-show 2017
1st place 4-6 black at LASC ASCA National Pre-show 2017
1st place 4-6 black at HCASC ASCA National Pre-show 2017
1st place 4-6 solid at ASCA National Specialty 2017
1st place 9-12 at 2018 USASA National Specialty
Multiple BOBp wins
Champion producer
AKC CH Paramounts Caught Red Handed
2nd 9-12 puppy at LASC ASCA National Pre-show 2017
3rd in Am Bred at USASA Nationals 2019
co-owned with Bill Parrott
*ASCA major pointed*
AKC/ASCA CH Brookridge Paramount Under Lock N Key
1st 4-6 blue merle puppy LASC ASCA National Preshow 2014
2nd 4-6 merle puppy HOTASC ASCA National Preshow 2017
1st in 9-12 Sweeps at USASA Nationals 2018
2nd in 9-12 at USASA Nationals 2018
co-owned/co-bred with Brookridge
AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Pine Spring Obsession
Finished his AKC Championship at one of the 2017 AKC National Championship Pre-shows and finished with 4 majors wins
co-owned with Deb Johnson

BISS RBIS AOM GCHS AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Firelight Summer Breeze
#5 AKC Breed and All Breed standings 2019
Ranked in ASCA Top 30 standings 2018-2019
AKC Reserve Best In Show winner 2019
Best In Specialty Show winner 2019
BOS at Westminster 2019
WB/BOW USASA National Specialty 2018
BOS at 2018 AKC National Championship show
BOS at 2018 Sunshine State Herding Group Specialty
BOS at 2018 Australian Shepherd Club of Central Florida USASA Specialty
2nd in 15-18 sweeps at USASA Nationals 2018
Best in Circuit winner
co-owned with Tracy Dyar and Makya Jackson 
Multiple Champion producer
AKC/ASCA CH Paramounts Tongue N Cheek
2nd in Am Bred USASA Nationals 2018
4th in 15-18 Sweeps USASA Nationals 2018
Multiple Champion producer
AKC CH Paramounts Special Forces
3rd in 9-12 puppy dogs at USASA Nationals 2018
co-owned with Debbie Beck
Multi A-Premier GCH AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Treestarr Hot N Spicy
*Top 30 ASCA Altered 2021-2022*
*AKC Group placer*
*Multiple Premier winner*
co-owned with Nichole Jones
AKC/ASCA CH Pristine Paramount Goddess Of War RN CGC
*1st Open Black at USASA Nationals 2019*
*2nd 12-15 Sweeps at USASA Nationals 2019**
**AKC Group placer**
** #14 ASCA Intact Standings 2019-2020**
owned by Tracy Dyar and Makya Jackson
Paramount Pine Spring Euphoria RNX
owned by Danielle Carpenter
AKC CH Paramount Firelight Unforgettable

Croatian GCH/Austrian Jr CH Paramount Pine Spring My Way
*Group winner*
owned by Philipp Harrer and Natalie Kralickova

*Click on pictures to visit their pages*
AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Brookridge Goin' All In RATO TKN
​co-owned with Danielle Carpenter
Paramount Storm The Castle at Firelight FDC RNX RA THD TKN CGC
owned by Elizabeth Smith
Paramountcalabrone Secretsoftheheart CD BN REX RM DCAT
owned by Lauren Vaughan
owned by Dr. Jean Krason
Paramount Brookridge Goin' N Style CD BN RE
owned by Mary Paige Lewandowski

AOM GCH AKC CH Paramount Pristine Hovering Hi Of Ivyfarm RN CGC
co-owned with Steve and Lauren Schreiber and Reggie Moorehead
AOM GCH AKC/ASCA CH Spring Fever Dancin On The Edge Of Paramount CGC
*Award of Merit at the Australian Shepherd Club of Central Florida Specialty 2021*
*Winners Dog at ASCA National Specialty 2021*
*3rd in Open Black at USASA National Specialty 2021*
*Select of Merit in Maturity at USASA National Specialty 2021*
*Winners Dog/Best of Winners USASA Supported Entry in AZ Feb. 2020*
Reserve Winners Dog at USASA Regional Specialty in AZ Feb. 2020*
*Best Opp in Sweeps at USASA Regional Specialty in AZ Feb. 2020*
*1st Place 9-12 - ASCA National Pre-show 2019*
*Group placer*
*Ranked in Top 20 in ASCA standings 2021-2022 fiscal year*
Co-owned with Katelyn Scott Peart & Sherrie Scott
Multiple Champion producer
ASCA CH Paramount Pristine Vanity Fair
*AKC major pointed*
*1st in 9-12 bitches USASA National Specialty 2021*
*3rd in 9-12 Sweeps USASA National Specialty*
*3rd in 15-18 bitches ASCA National Specialty*
*1st in 15-18 bitches Hill Country ASC National Specialty Pre-show 2021*
*2nd in 15-18 bitches Eastex ASC National Specialty Pre-show 2021*

AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Pristine Vantage Point
*3rd in BBX at USASA National Specialty 2021*
co-owned with Kelly Beers
ASCA CH Paramount Pristine Love Spell
*2nd in Open Red Merle at USASA National Specialty 2021*
Paramounts Confidential Informant NA NAJ CGC TKI
owned by Karen Vincent
​Brookridge Paramount Twist Of Fate SJ GS-N
owned by Andrea Schwandt-Arbogast

ASCA A-CH Paramount Brookridge 24 Karat Gold
BISS MBIS MRBIS GCHP AKC/ASCA CH Elite Paramount Crime Spree
*Multiple Best in Show winner*
#1 ranked Australian Shepherd Breed and All Breed AKC in 2024*
*Reserve Winners Bitch at 2021 Australian Shepherd Club of Central Florida Specialty*
**Award of Merit AKC National Championship 2023*
*Best of Opposite Westminster 2024*
*Award of Merit USASA National Specialty 2024*
*#2 Breed/#3 All Breed AKC 2023*
co-bred with Jackie Bayes
AKC CH Stone Ridge Paramount Fire N Brimstone
*1st in 12-15 dogs USASA National Specialty 2022*
co-bred/co-owned with Jennifer and Cherrie Cannon
owned by Amanda Glazer
Firelight Paramount Storm Rider DMA DSA
co-bred with Danielle Carpenter
owned by Stacey Deshkulkarni
WTCH AKC CH Pennycaerau Warrior Princess At Aniolek STDdsc, OTDdsc, ADTdc, FDC, CGC, CGCU, CGCA, DS, HSAs
*Winners Bitch at ASCOCF Specialty 2024*
*ASCA major pointed*
owned by Nancy Ross
co-bred with Nancy Ross and Leida Jones
AKC/ASCA CH Ivyfarm Brookridge Hi Spirits Paramount
*2nd in BBX at USASA National Specialty 2021*
*4th in BBX at ASCA National Pre-Show 2021*

co-bred/owned by Dr. Jennifer Smail

ASCA CH Pristine Riptide With Cedarhill
*3rd 9-12 at USASA National Specialty 2021*

owned by Kaitlin Fraser
GCH AKC CH Obsidian Paramount Walk This Way CGCA TKN
co-owned with Carolyn Scire
ASCA CH Paramount Stone Ridge Smoke N Ashes
*AKC pointed*
co-bred/co-owned with Jenn and Cherrie Cannon
ASCA CH Paramounts Magically Delicious 
*Reserve Winners Bitch ODASA Specialty 2023*
*Multiple Best of Breeds from the class*
*AKC pointed*
GCH AKC CH Paramount Brookridge Final Destination 
*Best of Opposite at NNJASC Specialty*
*Group placer*

co-owned with Nichole Jones and Reggie Moorehead
AKC/ASCA CH Paramount Spring Fever Black Tie Affair FDC BCAT CGC TKN FITB 
*1st in 15-18 USASA National Specialty 2023*
*1st in 15-18 Sweeps USASA National Specialty 2023*
co-owned with Gabriel Enoff & Nichole Jones
co-bred with Sherrie Scott & Katelyn Scott Peart
ASCA CH Paramount Elusive Dreaming Big At Barnwood
co-owned with Carol Jeffery
co-bred with Alexander Fowler and AJ Tavares

*1st in 6-9 Sweeps at USASA National Specialty 2023*
*3rd in 6-9 at USASA National specialty 2023*
*1st in 12-15 ASCA National Specialty Preshow 2023*
ASCA CH Paramount Transcendence One Moment N Time
*Best in Specialty Sweeps 2023*
*Best Puppy in Circuit 2023*
co-bred with Nichole Jones
AKC CH Paramount Elite Cheek To Cheek
*Reserve Winners Bitch at Palm To Pines ASC Specialty Jan 2024*
*Group Winner*
owned by Liz Alward
co-bred with Jackie Bayes
AKC CH Paramount Barnwood Par For The Course

*1st Open Red Merle USASA National Specialty 2024*
*3rd 15-18 Sweeps USASA National Specialty 2024*
*ASCA major pointed*
co-owned/co-bred with Carol Jeffery and Katie Trippe
Paramount Barnwood Pocket Change

*1st 6-9 USASA National Specialty 2024*
*2nd 6-9 Sweeps USASA National Specialty 2024*
*AKC Major pointed*
co-owned/co-bred with Carol Jeffery
co-bred with Megan Hof
Vesper Paramount Jst Chasing Rainbows RA NJP NFP NAP

*AKC pointed*
owned by Linda Butterworth and Jennifer Williams
co-bred with Jennifer Williams

AKC CH Paramount Vesper Simply Irresistible 

*2nd place 9-12 ASCA National Specialty 2023*
*2nd place 9-12  CASA ASCA National Preshow 2023*
*2nd CVASC ASCA National Preshow 2023*
*AKC major pointed*
co-owned/co-bred with Jennifer Williams
UKC CH Paramount Elusive Dream A Little Dream Of Limelite TKN TKI NW1

*AKC pointed*
owned by Linda Barden
co-bred with Alexandra Fowler and AJ Tavares
Transcendence Paramount Higher Love

*1st 6-9 USASA National Specialty 2023*
*4th 6-9 Sweeps USASA National Specialty 2023*
*3rd 9-12 ASCA National Specialty 2023*
*1st 9-12 DASF ASCA National Preshow 2023*
*1st 9-12 CASA ASCA National Preshow 2023*
*1st CVASC ASCA National Preshow 2023*
*Multiple Best in Show puppy* 
owned by/co-bred with Nichole Jones
Paramount Barnwood Gamble Sands

*3rd 9-12 ASCA National specialty 2023*
*4th 9-12 CASA ASCA National Preshow 2023*
*AKC major pointed*
co-owned with Nichole Jones
co-bred with Carol Jeffery
Paramount Transcendence Cloak N Dagger

*AKC pointed*
*AKC Best in Show puppy winner*
co-owned/co-bred with Nichole Jones
AKC CH Paramount Brookridge Final Fantasy

*Best of Opposite Sex puppy ASCA National Specialty 2021*
co-owned with Nichole Jones
co-bred with Reggie Moorehead